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Saeed Valadbaygi is a prominent figure with roots deeply embedded in the rich tapestry of the Kurdish and Iranian historical and cultural landscapes. His lineage traces back to the Jaf Bagzaadehs of Avroman, particularly the Valadbaygi Tribe, a group with a profound connection to the ancient and noble heritage of Iran. The Valadbaygi Tribe, known for their bravery, wisdom, and significant contributions to various realms of arts and civilization, claims descent from Tahmures, a legendary figure celebrated for subduing demons and introducing critical skills and crafts to humanity.


The tribe’s storied past is intertwined with the narrative of the Kardêwa people, the early inhabitants of western Iran, who played a pivotal role in establishing the region’s first ancient Iranian government and cities. This connection to Kardêwa and other ancient peoples underscores Saeed Valadbaygi’s ties to a lineage that significantly shaped the cultural and historical fabric of Iran.


Saeed’s heritage is further enriched by the legacy of the Jaf tribe, one of the Kurdish people’s largest and oldest tribes, recognized for producing notable leaders who played vital roles in the Ottoman, Safavid, and Afshar eras. The Jaf tribe’s history of valor, leadership, and cultural contributions, particularly in weaving and crafting, music, dance, and architecture, reflects a rich cultural heritage that Saeed Valadbaygi inherits.


Living in contemporary times, Saeed embodies the resilience, cultural pride, and rich traditions of his ancestors. Despite the challenges faced by his forebears, including migrations due to political upheavals and conflicts with neighboring powers, the Valadbaygi and Jaf tribes have maintained their distinct cultural identity and continue to thrive in Iran, Turkiye, Syria and Iraq.


Saeed’s connection to these ancient tribes is not just a matter of lineage but a testament to the enduring spirit and cultural legacy of the Kurdish, Turkish, and Iranian peoples. Through his life and actions, Saeed Valadbaygi stands as a living bridge to the past, carrying forward the wisdom, bravery, and artistic legacy of his ancestors while navigating the complexities of the modern world. His heritage, deeply rooted in the ancient civilizations of Iran, Iraq, Turkiye, Syria and the Kurdish regions, highlights a rich tapestry of history, culture, and enduring human spirit that continues to thrive across generations.



Saeed Valadbaygi’s journey weaves through the annals of history, echoing the valor and inventiveness of his ancestors, the Jaf Bagzaadehs of Avroman and the Valadbaygi Tribe. His lineage, rich with tales of courage, ingenuity, and tenacity, casts a long shadow, shaping his identity and ambitions. From the realm of political refugee to a beacon of social justice and sustainability, Saeed embodies the legacy of his forebears while charting a course towards addressing the myriad challenges facing the modern world.


At the heart of Saeed’s endeavors lies an unwavering commitment to fostering democratic institutions, unraveling the complexities of the political economy, and harnessing the potential of exponential technologies to mitigate state fragility, financial instability, and the crises of population displacement. His pathway, marked by the trials of displacement and the pursuit of justice, reflects a deep-seated dedication to human rights, social impact, environmental stewardship, and the principles of good governance.


Saeed’s engagement with leading organizations and movements over the last decade—including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, UNHCR, International Labor Organization, Index on Censorship, the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Canadian Science Policy Magazine, UNICEF office of Innovation, Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, IMF and World Bank—underscores his role as a catalyst for change. These affiliations highlight his broad scope of influence and his ability to mobilize support around critical social and humanitarian issues.


His multifaceted career encompasses significant contributions across various sectors of society, industry, and media. Notably, his leadership roles in the United Nations’ education program for refugees between 2007 and 2010 laid the groundwork for his subsequent endeavors in journalism, data science, and community mobilization through initiatives like Street Journalist, Bridge Journal, and Re-Road. These projects, which evolved into a peer-to-peer civic engagement platform focusing on the MENA region, embody Saeed’s innovative approach to fostering dialogue and action on geopolitical and policy issues.


The inception of Datacracy, Saeed’s first startup venture, marks a pivotal moment in his career. Aimed at advancing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Datacracy emerged as a leading solution provider in the realm of data science, underscoring Saeed’s commitment to leveraging technology for sustainable development. His subsequent involvement in the design of AxonWork, a blockchain-based human resource solution, and his ongoing work on the super-app project EziFund, demonstrate his foresight in the intersections of Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT).


Saeed’s passion for the creative economy is evident in the establishment of the Tirgan Publication platform in 2019 as part of his leadership role at Tirgan Festival as editor in chief since 2013. This initiative has played a crucial role in supporting independent artists and cultural projects, showcasing the vibrancy of art and culture within the Canadian and Iranian diaspora communities. As Editor in Chief, Saeed has steered Tirgan Magazine towards becoming a transnational and multilingual digital platform and outlet for volunteers, scholars, artists, and leaders, thereby cementing its status as a cornerstone of cultural expression and exchange.


Saeed Valadbaygi’s role as Editor in Chief of the CSPC’s special issue magazine, “A Decade of Impact,” epitomizes the culmination of ten years of dedicated efforts, achievements, and milestones of the Canadian Science Policy Centre. This unique publication serves not only as a reflective piece on the center’s accomplishments but also as a beacon for the future trajectory of science policy in Canada. Through this magazine, Saeed has orchestrated a comprehensive platform that showcases the insights, reflections, and pioneering thoughts of Canada’s leading minds in science and policy innovation.


The “A Decade of Impact” issue not only celebrates the past achievements of CSPC but also lays down a vision for the future, highlighting the indispensable role of science policy in addressing the complex challenges facing Canada and the world today. It emphasizes the importance of connectivity, inclusivity, and research in cultivating a vibrant science policy ecosystem that is capable of driving innovation and sustainable development. Through this work, Saeed has not only highlighted the significant milestones of the past decade but has also set the stage for the next era of impact, underscoring the pivotal role of science policy in advancing the well-being of Canadians and contributing to global knowledge and innovation.


In his current role as the Executive Director of the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI), Saeed continues to foster interdisciplinary collaboration, uniting diverse experts to drive innovation and growth. His advisory work with AI Forum and other esteemed organizations further amplifies his impact, guiding strategies towards achieving ethical, optimal, and sustainable objectives.


Saeed Valadbaygi’s narrative is one of resilience, innovation, and an enduring commitment to social justice and sustainability. Drawing from a profound historical legacy, he navigates the challenges of the present with a visionary approach, aiming to effect tangible, positive change in the world. Through his work, Saeed not only honors his heritage but also sets a precedent for future generations, embodying the spirit of progress and the relentless pursuit of a better, more equitable world.



Saeed Valadbaygi’s role as the Founder and Executive Director is central to The Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI)’s achievements and its future trajectory. His leadership not only defines the strategic direction of the organization but also fosters an environment of innovation, collaboration, and urgency. Through Saeed’s vision and guidance, GCRI is catalyzing change, driving global dialogue, and shaping a future where humanity is better equipped to tackle the complex challenges it faces with resilience, innovation, and collaborative spirit.


Under his leadership, GCRI has established itself as a beacon of innovation and collaboration, with a strategic presence on every continent, a standardization arm nestled in the heart of Switzerland, and a commercialization hub in Luxembourg. These global footprints underscore GCRI’s commitment to harnessing the full spectrum of research and development (R&D) capabilities to forge solutions that are not only innovative but also sustainable and resilient in the face of global challenges.


Vision and Aspirations

GCRI is rooted in a profound vision to forge a safer, more resilient world where innovation and technological advancements are key levers in tackling global challenges. With a mission that spans the development of avant-garde solutions, the nurturing of interdisciplinary collaborations, and the shaping of policies for effective risk management, GCRI aspires to be at the forefront of global efforts to enhance security and promote sustainability across various domains.


Strategic Focus Areas

Saeed’s leadership has steered GCRI towards a multi-faceted approach to global risk mitigation, with a keen focus on:

  • Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability: Championing the development and deployment of technologies to battle climate change, conserve biodiversity, and encourage sustainable environmental practices.
  • Public Health and Pandemic Preparedness: Innovating in the realm of global health security through the introduction of groundbreaking health technologies, establishing early warning systems, and bolstering health infrastructure.
  • Technological Risks and Cybersecurity: Tackling the complexities associated with emerging technologies like AI and blockchain, while fortifying the digital realm against cyber threats.
  • Disaster Resilience: Crafting sophisticated tools and methodologies to minimize disaster risks, enhance emergency responses, and support recovery efforts, thereby building stronger, more resilient communities.


Groundbreaking Initiatives

Under Saeed’s stewardship, GCRI has launched several key initiatives designed to translate its lofty mission into tangible actions:

  • Nexus Studio Accelerators: These open-source, modular software components are crucial for fast-tracking the development of solutions tailored to address global issues, fostering dynamic, adaptive applications across GCRI’s areas of focus.
  • National Working Groups: Establishing multidisciplinary teams across nations ensures the development of locally relevant, impactful solutions.
  • Awareness and Advocacy: Through strategic use of platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter, GCRI amplifies its message, advocating for risk mitigation and sustainable innovation on a global scale.
  • Collaborative Endeavors: By forging partnerships with academia, industry, and governmental entities, GCRI enhances its research capacity in global risk management and sustainable innovation.



With the ambitious goal of directly impacting one million individuals, Saeed’s work is on a trajectory to make substantial contributions towards global efforts in risk mitigation and sustainability. Through its focused initiatives, GCRI aims to set new standards in leveraging technology and collective action to navigate and overcome the challenges of our times.

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